You sit on your couch, select the grocery items from the web, pay online via credit card, and voila! Everything is delivered at your door! What can be better than that? Well, what if you enjoy the experience of in-person shopping?

Benefits of Online Grocery
It’s safer during pandemic
- You stay away from the crowded places that potentially lowers your chance of catching disease
- You don’t need to put on a mask, wear gloves or use sanitizer
It saves money
- There are less chance of buying items on impulse
- You can view the total cost and easily change items, which is much easier to do than at store
- It save on gas as you are not driving around the town
It’s convenient
- Nothing can beat the convenience of online grocery shopping
- Getting groceries delivered comes really handy during inclement weather
- Time saved by online shopping can be used for more productive and fun activities
Drawbacks of Online Grocery
It can be more expensive
- Grocery delivery companies charge delivery fees, service charges and you often have to tip
- Prices of certain items may be higher online compared to the store
It can limit your choices
- Not all store items may be available online
- If the store runs out of your specific brand item then your shopper may not easily pick a substitute
- You cannot examine fruits and vegetables condition that fit your needs
Final Verdict
It is really up to you to decide if online grocery fits your lifestyle. It is extremely convenient, but if you enjoy in-person shopping experience than nothing can beat that!