Cozumel – Beautiful Mexican Island with Caribbean Soul

Cozumel is a popular island in Mexico with rich history, white beaches, beautiful coral reefs, authentic food, offering plenty of water adventure and relaxation activities in natural settings.

Cozumel beach

Cozumel is one of Mexico‘s largest island located 20 km (12 mi) off the Yucatan Peninsula in southeastern Mexico and 80 km (50 mi) from Cancun.  The island has a total area of 480 km2 (185 sq mi) and can be easily covered in a day.


Cozumel offers clean beaches, natural forest, spectacular natural scenery, diverse animal species and Mayan archeological sites. It is very safe and affordable place to visit with welcoming and warm local population. Spring to early summer months from March – June are the best time to enjoy warm weather in Cozumel. Falls season is rainy with risk of hurricanes and winter is slightly cooler. There are multiple all-inclusive resorts and plenty of outdoor eateries on the island. One can rent cars, jeeps, and scooters at affordable prices and drive around exploring the island.

We took a self-driving guided jeep tour to drive around the island so that we could pick and spend time on activities as per our liking. We are sharing highlights from our trip.

Crocodiles at Nature Preserve

Our first stop was at a natural preserve that had crocodiles relaxing in the shallow water. We climbed on top of a wooden observation tower to enjoy natural lagoon around it.

Cozumel Crocodiles

Snorkeling at Tortugas Beach Club

Our next stop was at Tortugas beach club where we enjoyed snorkeling tour of shallow colorful reefs with beautiful fishes in crystal clear water swimming around us. After snorkeling we sat down to have delicious Mexican food for lunch while listening to mariachi music. The place also offered relaxing massage service, beautiful artifacts in local shops, colorful fashion accessories and open bar with amazing ocean views.

Delicious Food
Cozumel local shop

Lighthouse at Punta Sur

We drove through sandy road to reach a historic lighthouse at Punta Sur ecological park. We had to traverse extremely narrow stairs to reach on top of the lighthouse. The panoramic view from the top was breathtaking, offering white sand beaches, blue water and plenty of natural preserve all around.

View from top of lighthouse

Mayan Traditional House

Our next stop was at a Mayan traditional house NAH where we took a guided tour. We learned rich information on: Mayan Gods, history of Cozumel island, ancient artifacts, attended a religious ceremony and tasted freshly cooked burritos on a wood platform.

Traditional Mayan House

Tequila Tasting

Our last stop was at Tequila distillery Cava Antigua where we learned the process of making tequila. We tasted variety of tequilas, though those driving the jeep had to hold on to their natural inkling.


Having completed our fun-filled tour of the Cozumel island, we headed back with fond memories to board our cruise ship for an overnight journey to visit Costa Maya, Mexico, next day!

Cruise ship

Rating: 4*/5

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Re-live Ancient Mayan Civilization Ruins – Costa Maya, Mexico

Costa Maya is a popular port for cruise shore excursions in Mexico. It offers crystal clear waters, clean beaches, authentic Mexican food, local artifacts shopping, snorkeling and plenty of kids activities including dolphin adventure.

Costa Maya
Costa Maya beach

Costa Maya, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Costa Maya
Costa Maya

After visiting beautiful Cozumel island, we took overnight cruise journey to reach Costa Maya, Mexico. Our plan was to visit a famous Mayan Ruins site located at Chacchoben, The Land of the Red Corn. This archaeological site showcases the history of ancient Mayan city that flourished around 300 AD.

Costa Maya
Costa Maya

We took a guided tour and were lucky to have a local guide that was well versed in the history of the site. The one hour drive passed quickly with plenty of learning about Mayan history, including their early settlement, flourishing and eventual downfall. Serious efforts have been made in recent years to revive the ancient temples and sacred sites.

As fresh graduates of Mayan history we anxiously reached the site. The site requires plenty of walking and climbing so make sure you wear comfortable shoes, carry plenty of water and apply sunscreen. The service area at the site offers water, snacks and rest rooms.

Costa Maya
Mayan Ruins Site Map

After a short walk, we came across multiple pyramids and temples located at the site. Each pyramids had a different architecture and represented different purpose in the Mayan lifestyle. There were dedicated structures and sites for religious ceremonies, cultural events and astronomy.

Costa Maya
Mayan Ruins Pyramid Temple

Some of the famous temples of the site are Templo 24, Plaza B and Temple One. We climbed Gran Basamento and experienced stunning views of the green forest around the site. Many pyramids and temples are still covered in vegetation and excavations are continuing to restore them.

Costa Maya
Mayan Tempo 24

We also learned interesting details about local flora and fauna. The site is perfect blend of nature and history, encircled with palm trees and variety of unusual plants. The surrounding jungle hosts animal species like deer, fox, monkey and jaguar. Be careful if you plan to venture on your own!

Costa Maya
Sacred Site

On the way back we stopped at a local restaurant that served freshly-cooked authentic Mexican food. It was super tasty!! After grand fiesta, we headed back to our cruise ship with fond memories of the ancient history of a lost world.

Rating: 4* out of 5.

Costa Maya
Costa Maya Artwork

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