Clove: Nutritional Facts, Health Benefits, Consumption and Risks

If you aspire to consume a spice that adds distinct flavor to your meals as well as offers excellent health benefits, then you must try clove.


Cloves are flower buds of the clove tree that is native to Asia and South America. It has a distinctly strong taste and pleasant smell. It is widely used to add flavor to dishes, desserts, beverages and meat products. Known as a rich source of vitamins and minerals, clove offers multiple health benefits and has been used as alternate medicine (ayurveda) for many years.

More and more people are consuming clove to reap the natural health benefits without any risky side-effects.

Potential Health Benefits of Clove

Oral Health Clove oil is used for cleaning teeth and gums, reduce toothache and promote fresh breath

Reduce Cancer Clove may help in reducing growth of cancerous cells

Diabetic Clove may help in regulating blood sugar

Bone Health Clove being rich in manganese may increase bone density

Stomach Ulcer Clove oil may help in preventing stomach ulcers

Bacteria Cloves have antimicrobial properties that may kill harmful bacteria

Reduce Stress Cloves being high in antioxidants may help in reducing stress

Aromatherapy Clove oil is used in massage oil that improves physical and emotional health

Options to Consume Clove

  • Flavor in hot tea and milk
  • Flavor in rice, soups, sauces and condiments
  • Flavor in cookies, muffins and oatmeal
  • Complement ginger, basil, cumin and cinnamon in many dishes
  • Enable slow cooking of meat products


Some people have observed certain side effects like food allergy, skin irritation or bleeding risk  that may be related to consuming clove. Clove has a somewhat strong taste that may not fit well with taste buds of certain people. Make sure you consult with your doctor before including it in your diet.


Final Verdict

Clove has many health benefits, but like anything else, use it as part of a holistic healthy lifestyle that includes healthy diet, proper exercise and regular doctor visit.

We hope the information in this post will be helpful in your journey of aspiring nirvana!

Garlic: Facts, Health Benefits, Consumption and Side Effects

Garlic has been farmed and consumed for thousands of years in various parts of the world. In its natural from, it is arranged in a head (bulb) and consists of multiple small cloves. Garlic is known for its pleasing aromas, used in various forms to add flavor in cuisines and known for multiple health benefits.


Garlic is an outstanding source of vitamins (B and C), calcium and magnesium. Additionally, it’s sulfur compounds provide best health benefit that includes: keeping healthy immune system, digestive system, detoxification system and cardiovascular system.

Potential Health Benefits of Garlic

  • Provide relief from cold and flu symptoms
  • Improve digestion and keeping stomach healthy
  • Reduce cancer risk related to digestive tracts like stomach, throat and colon
  • Improve bone health thereby reducing osteoporosis risk
  • Prevent cell damage that reduced risk of Alzheimer
  • Regulate blood pressure and blood sugar
  • Reduce risk of heart attack
  • Reduce damage from cigarette smoking
  • Lower cholesterol

Options to Consume Garlic

  • Flavor in soups, dressings, dishes and sauces
  • Flavor in steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes and stir-frys
  • Flavor in olive oil and hummus
  • Garlic supplements (oil, tablets, powder, etc.)

Tip: For best flavor add chopped garlic at the end of the cooking.


Some people have observed certain side effects like upset stomach, body odor or bad breadth. Chew a gum or mint to remove unwanted garlic breadth. Consult with your doctor before taking garlic supplements or including it in your diet.

Final Verdict

Garlic has many health benefits, but like anything else, use it as part of a holistic healthy lifestyle that includes healthy diet, proper exercise and regular doctor visit.


Basil: Facts, Health Benefits, Consumption and Side Effects



Basil is an green plant that is native to India, Africa and Southeast Asia. It is consumed both as fresh as well as in dry form to enhance flavor in cuisines all over the world. Additionally, consuming basil provides multiple health benefits. Basil taste and fragrance varies and can be similar to clove, cinnamon or mint.

In India, one of its variety is known as Tulsi which has been treated as a sacred plant and also used as alternate medicine (Ayurveda) for hundreds of years.

Potential Health Benefits of Basil

  • Improve mental health by reducing anxiety
  • Repel bugs and treat bug bites
  • Reduce inflammation and stress from many diseases
  • Provide nasal relief during common cold
  • Cure stomach infection of multiple types
  • Promote healthy blood circulation and improve blood pressure
  • Help prevent certain types of cancer
  • Control blood sugar that helps in diabetes
  • Improve dental health when gargled
  • Support healthy liver

Options to Consume Basil

  • Flavor in tea, may also be combined with ginger and turmeric
  • Flavor in stir-fry, salad or soups
  • Flavor in chicken, pizza or pasta
  • Ingredient in basil pesto sauce or tomato sauce

Tip: Add basil in your dish at the last moment just before finishing your cooking in order to get the best flavor.


Some people have observed certain side effects like allergic reaction, possible meddling with diabetic or blood clotting medicine  that may be related to consuming basil. Consult with your doctor before taking basil supplements or including it in your diet.

Final Verdict

Basil has many health benefits, but like anything else, use it as part of a holistic healthy lifestyle that includes healthy diet, proper exercise and regular doctor visit.