Lighthouses: A beacon of life in maritime navigation!

For ages, lighthouses have served as a symbol of port for mariners. Their usage has continued to increase manifold with increasing maritime trading.

Lighthouse photography is a popular pastime for many people. There are multiple Facebook groups actively run by enthusiastic folks.

Cape Cod, MA

The powerful light emitted by the lighthouses can sometimes be seen as far as 25 miles. Lighthouses are usually made of brick, wood, granite, cast iron and concrete.


Some interesting facts about lighthouses:

  • The “Lighthouse of Alexandria” built around 3 BC in Egypt is believed to be world’s first lighthouse
  • The “Tower of Hercules” in Spain is considered oldest intact lighthouse
  • US has highest number of lighthouses than any other country
  • The first lighthouse in US was on Little Brewster Island, Boston
Portland, Maine

The site of Louisbourg Lighthouse, in Nova Scotia, is considered Canada’s first lighthouse.

Louisburg, Nova Scotia, Canada
Louisburg, Nova Scotia, Canada

With the advent of modern navigational systems, solar and electric powered lamps, most of the lighthouses don’t need a keeper now. Which makes you wonder if lighthouses are still relevant in modern times? What do you think?

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