Chia seeds are considered super food of ancient Aztec people.

Chia seeds are the seeds of a flowering plant in the mint family. Chia seeds are oval in shape with grey color. These are cultivated mostly in Mexico and central America. It is believed the crop was cultivated by Aztecs in ancient cultures. These seeds can be consumed in raw format or added to various other foods.
Potential Health Benefits of Chia seed
- Super source of Omega-3
- Good source of fiber
- Help in reducing cardiovascular risk
- Lower cholesterol and blood pressure
Options to Consume Chia seed
- As toping in juice, yogurt or smoothies
- Sprinkle in rice, fruits or vegetables
- Add in cereal or cake
- Mix in salad
Some people have observed digestive issues after consuming dry Chia seed. Consult with your doctor before including it in your diet.
Final Verdict
Chia seed have many health benefits, but like anything else, use it as part of a holistic healthy lifestyle that includes healthy diet, proper exercise and regular doctor visit.
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