When will the stock market hit the bottom?

Stock market corrections have been happening for ages. Trying to predict market bottom is a useless exercise. Historical scenarios and models can be deceiving. Keep an eye on the bigger picture. Are we going in a recession where market may enter bear market or is it a mid correction for an overheated market?
Bear market is defined as stock market going down by 20% or higher. Corrections is defined as stock market going down by 5% to 10%.
Recessionary corrections are usually steeper and last longer. Whereas corrections that occur in healthy market are usually shallower and shorter. Of course, the tricky part is predicting are we heading into recession or not.
We wish we would have a magic lamp to predict market top and bottom, but we don’t. Though stock market has gone up over a long time period, some people panic during market downturn and sells at the wrong time. We have no control over the market direction. The only thing we can control is our response to such events.
Have a proper stock and bond allocation based on your risk tolerance. The rule of thumb is to put 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds and perform annual rebalancing. Talk to your financial advisor to have appropriate allocation and stay the course.